Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day approaches...

Blog, I've been ignoring you. I apologize.

As this holiday full of hearts and pink and flowers and chocolate approaches (how could I not love it?) I am thinking about all the people I love. I guess this is what single people do on days like this. Yay?

Anyway, there are so many important people in my life whose love has helped me grow in so many ways! I am not going to write them all out, but please know that if you love me, I appreciate your love abundantly.

Also for Valentine's Day, iTunes decided to make some of their best lovey-dovey albums $7.99. How could a girl resist? I only purchased two, perhaps because I already owned approximately four or five of them. Yet these two albums- they're top notch. The Greatest Love Songs of All Time- Barry Manilow and My Love (Essential Collection) by Celine Dion. Perfection.

A bunch of girls and I will be celebrating Valentine's Day by going to see an early showing of the new movie, Valentine's Day, eating a fun dinner somewhere, and then returning to my apartment for a slumber party. I can't wait! It will be grand.

Well I really don't have too much to say, nor do I have too much to type, but I just wanted to say hello!




  1. I've missed you Hailie!! I love you so much! I'm glad you are doing better :)

  2. I thought you would appreciate this. I saw it on a blog...


    "She is polite and considerate. She makes it a point to keep her manners in check even when everyone around her has forgotten their "please and thank yous".

    Her etiquette naturally transcends her wardrobe, but she would never overlook her attire. She is always pulled together and timeless, but still modern.

    As classic as she may be, she knows she is a rarity in today’s rather immodest society and openly celebrates her eccentricities by selecting quirky prints, accessories like gloves, scarves and hats to wear.

    She dances late into the night, slips out of her “il sotto” crinoline skirt, changes her heels to flats and effortlessly looks perfectly put-together for her 8 am brunch reservation."
