Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Sorority Girl’s Manifesto: What I’ve Learned My Sophomore Year

In my sophomore year I have learned…
…that Bryan, TX, has some very cool secret places.
…that living with fifty of your sorority sisters can open your eyes to so many things: things you have in common with people you never expected, things that annoy you, what kinds of bugs scare you; and it can be one of the most rewarding years of your life.
…that the sound of a cricket can keep you up all night long.
…that first impressions are rarely accurate.
…that I chose the best major and the best minor for me.
…that the Royal Wedding is the perfect excuse for an all-nighter and a proper tea party with your best friends. (despite the fact that I was posted up at the library when it happened...)
…that Twitter is the best social media website ever.
…that a road trip to Mississippi right before exams is just what I need to get me through the last week and a half of school.
…that the Grand Canyon is all it is cracked up to be.
…that all I really want to do in life is write, write, write.
…that getting to know the people who work at your favorite coffee shop has its perks.
…that wishing on a fallen eyelash can give you enough hope to get through even the toughest of days.
…that migraines are more than just really bad headaches, but that Excedrin Migraine has magical powers.
…that it is easy to find a reason to celebrate on any day.
…that you can find friends in the most unexpected of circumstances.
…that staying in touch really matters.
…that everybody can appreciate Adele.
…that art can be more powerful than you will ever imagine.
…that the joy of watching raindrops race down a windowpane is universal.
…that in Texas, Summer comes and ushers out Spring much too soon for my liking. (with exception for the oh-so-lovely cold front that seems to be on it's way out of town)
…that Geology is really really boring.
…that has some of the world’s best treasures.
…that you have the ability to create a lot more than you believe you can.
…that no matter how well-respected or great a hospital is, it is still yucky to have to be there.
…that a cup of tea and Netflix Instant Queue can make for the perfect night in.
…that I want a kitten so very badly.
…that it is totally not fair that the bluebonnets only lasted one week this year.
…that the quiet section is West Campus Library really scares me.  I am not very good at being quiet.
…that a dance party with your suitemate before class is better than any form of caffeine.
…that reruns of your favorite TV shows make the best procrastinating tools.
…that a perfect roommate is really the best support system out there.
…that talking in abbrevs doesn’t mean you are unintelligent, even though you may sound like it.
...that date nights with your Little, Big, and GrandBig can be filled with more laughter and joy than ever imagined.
…that I am scared beyond belief that I am halfway done with college.
…that helping a friend dye his hair blond can make you feel like a true hair stylist.
…that turning twenty means you really are growing up. Yikes.
…that Summer 2011 will be the best yet, as I will be spending it with all of my best friends.

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